"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Nothing is as Eternal As...

You know you're getting old when....you get excited about finding a way to get the dishwasher to clean the dishes without leaving a soap and hard water film on them. 

I have found a solution...I'm excited...I must be getting old. Ha.

First of all, let me say that I despise our dishwasher. About once every 2 weeks water from the sink backs up into the bottom of it, creating a stinky smell, as well as, greatly inconveniencing us by making us run a rinse cycle before the actual wash cycle so that the water will drain out first. When the apartment maintenance man came to repair it, he told us it was the way that the sink and dishwasher had been put together and basically there was nothing they could do about it. 

I just stared at him. 

We've learned to live with the water back up problem.

However, there is nothing more frustrating than unloading dishes that are supposed to be clean, only to find that the glasses are cloudy and the silver spotted. Over the last few months this problem has become increasingly worse. 

So, I took to the internet to see if I could find a solution. Apparently this whole dishwasher issue is a pretty common one...even for those who have very high end and expensive machines. After much reading, I decided to try vinegar and Finish soap tabs. Many sites recommend using vinegar as a rinse agent instead of jet dry, but to get the process started, I loaded all of our glass cups and bowls, as well as the stoneware. I filled both soap dispensers with vinegar instead of detergent. Supposedly the vinegar is supposed to cut through the soap and hard water build up. After the cycle was complete, I ran the dishwasher again, but this time used a Finish tab. My research led me to the conclusion that it is best to turn the heated dry option off since this only results in any soap residue being practically baked onto the dishes.

The difference was AMAZING! 

Seriously, I'm quite happy about it, haha! There is nothing more irritating for a Leo with Virgo tendencies to have a dirty kitchen and to pull dirty dishes out of the cabinet when they're supposed to be clean. 

Hooray for a dishwasher that works! 

Sometimes, it really is the simple things in life that make all the difference in the world!

People can say what they like about the eternal verities, love and truth and so on, but nothing's as eternal as the dishes
-Margaret Mahy


  1. You know you're old when you say pooey on the diswasher and you begin to hand wash bahahah!!! anywho, you have enlightened my world. I shall try it!

  2. Hmmmm...Gona try that too - I've gone so far as to have them come in and REPLACE THE ENTIRE DISHWASHER - to no avail - still doing it, not as bad, but stilllllllll... Thanks for your research LOL!! (LUBAB!!)
