"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'm Just Saying...

I am a housekeeper...janitor...whatever you want to call it. Frankly, it's a job I never thought I would have. But...life happens, and sometimes we go tumbling down rabbit holes, and we're forced to take jobs we otherwise wouldn't, so we can pay the rent...keep the lights on...buy food.  So, for the past year or so, I've been forced to put my higher education on hold so I can take care of these things.

It's so easy to get caught up in our own lives,  and never think about the folks behind the scenes...please...allow me to enlighten you with a short list of things I've learned and things YOU, world, should remember.

1. If your desk is covered in a pile of papers 12 inches deep, I cannot, will not attempt to clean your desk.

2. Unless particularly specified, our duties do not include gardening, consequently, I should not be required to go outside in frigid temperatures to hook up a garden hose to spray down a garbage can that contains more nasty, gross, who knows what, than the actual trash bag did.

3. Lawyers are the messiest people on earth. Seriously...worse than a classroom full of 3 year olds.

4. No matter their age, men will never master the art of aim.

5. People apparently think it's ok to clip their nails during a church service...and leave the clippings on the carpet *GAG*

6. It is now socially acceptable to smash wedding cake into the carpet of wedding reception venues

7. The knowledge that their company has a "cleaning lady" somehow gives people the ok to become complete slobs...I AM NOT YOUR MAMA...

8. Your office is not Texas Roadhouse, so please place the peanut shells from your afternoon snack in the garbage and NOT the floor

9. This may seem a bit elementary but please...FLUSH!

10. If the housekeeper doesn't come until Saturday, WHY in God's green earth would you put your nasty cereal bowl (milk and all) in your office trashcan on Monday? WWWWHHHYYY???

I mean...I'm just sayin'.....^_^

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

To Finish or Not to Finish

So...the whole "starting a blog" thing has kinda got my brain itching to write again( imagine that). About 2 years I started writing a book(for self-therapeutic purposes) and have worked on it sporadically ever since. The book itself, except for the ending is finished, and I have already completed one round of editing. And there I've stopped. It's not that I have writer's block...I mean, the book is for the most part finished, and I would LOVE to get it published. I guess what I'm trying to figure out is if I have the emotional fortitude to pick through the topic of the book again. 

See, the book, ironically enough, closely mirrors some of my own personal experiences, which were at the time were some of the most painful things I've ever experienced. Being the person that I am, I used writing as an outlet for some of the surprisingly strong emotions I was feeling. Am I now emotionally distanced enough to go through the book again without being pulled back down into the rabbit hole of dangerous and life- threatening emotions that inspired it's writing in the first place? Am I? Or should I leave it as it is? Be grateful that it helped through a rough patch, see it for what is...a novel whose sole purpose was to help me keep my sanity, and leave it at that?

What do you think world? Should I blow the dust off of my trusty blue binder, pick up my favorite gel pen, and finish what I started? 

If I get brave enough, I may post a few excerpts.

Down the Rabbit Hole

How in the wide green world did I get here? I'm definitely lost. I don't think this where I'm supposed to be. Or is it?

 Well world, it's 3 days after Christmas and 4 days before New Year's, and I'm sitting here trying to figure out what in the world is going on...my life that has become a wonderland of sorts. A wonderland in which I have no idea how I got here, what I'm supposed to be doing, or where I'm going. It's full of strange people, strange places, and I'm definitely alone in spite of all the weird things and people that are around me. So, I invite you to come with me as I make my journey through this world where I've become Alice....and my life has become a wonderland.