"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Waylaid Best Laid Plans & Trifecta

Greetings and Salutations citizens of the Blogospere!

Despite my best laid plans to write more often, I am suffering from what appears to be be a beginning of the year tradition: writer's block. 

It's not that there aren't any interesting things going on in Wonderland...there are always interesting, weird, and crazy things happening. It's just that for some reason, of late, I've lacked the wherewithal to record them. 

I do confess that school, particularly my writing class has been consuming quite a bit of my creative energies. That should not, however, stop the flow of creative juices, but should in fact enhance them. What can I do, though? It is what it is. I am once again suffering from writer's block. Boo. 

As such, I am stealing an idea from my friend and fellow blogger, Mike. I am joining the Trifecta Challenge. This challenge provides 2 writing prompts per week. One for the week and another for the weekend. It requires a minimum of 33 words and cannot exceed 333. You're supposed to post the completed work within a certain amount of time. I'm not sure if I will do this. I may just use the prompt for the sake of my own blog, not necessarily to receive possible recognition from the editors of Trifecta. I'm hoping that as I respond to each prompt it will kick start the rusty gears of my writers mind and enable me to hop back on the blog wagon. 

The prompt for this weekend's challenge is personification...that is, the assigning of human traits and characteristics to inanimate objects, phenomena, and animals. 

Deep breath! Here goes....

She passed it every time she went in to do her business. Sometimes she could ignore it. At other times, even when she closed her eyes she could still see it. The small, light white square. It's small window vacant and blank. Seemingly harmless. As she sat on the porcelain seat, she heard a light whisper. Thinking she was imagining things she cracked open one eye. The square seemed closer now. It's window which had just moments before stared at her blankly, now winked it's single eye at her. It flashed a harmless set of numbers: 0.00. "It's been so long", the little square whispered to her. Just months ago we were the best of friends. The girl closed her eyes again and thought to herself, "But I don't want to be your friend anymore". And with good reason. Her little square with it's one eye had been both her motivator and her abuser. Now it whispered to her, kindly enough. It cajoled her...flattering her with memories of goals met. Driving out of her mind the bitterness of disappointment, doubt, and self-hatred it had also inflicted. "Ok. Just this once" She stepped onto the square. The benign little creature sputtered to life. She held her breath and waited. She heard a laugh. Friendly enough at first. Then the welcoming little eye turned on her, glaring up at her as red as the cheeks of a child suffering from severe embarrassment. The girl's breath released in a horrified whoosh, and the little white scale screamed with maniacal laughter at the number it showed to it's very best friend. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Now Trending in Wonderland

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the inhabitants of the blogosphere!

After the end of the semester, I decided to take a much needed sabbatical from writing. However, with the new semester less than a week away, I figured it was about time to get back into the swing of things. With any luck, this will be my last semester. Of course, as is the usual way of things, financially speaking, this semester has already proven to be difficult since my student aid has decreased and during the last 2 weeks in December I found myself, quite unexpectedly, not working. Needless to say, my careful budgeting was ruined. What can a girl do? God has always provided for my needs, sometimes quite miraculously, and I have faith that He will continue to do so.

Besides my nervousness about money, I'm really excited about this semester and I'm determined to make it the best yet. I will be taking 3 classes and only one of them is a paralegal course. The other two are gen-ed  classes that I've put off for the last few years. In short, this semester should be a breeze. I hope.

I have had quite  a few questions over the holidays regarding my love life and so I'll just answer this once and for all....I don't have one, neither am I interested in anyone. LoL. I admit that I'm completely ok with this. I think it's funny that whenever anyone asks me if I'm dating anyone and I say no, they always get this pity look on their face and feel the need to pat my shoulder and say something to the effect of, "there there, don't worry, it will happen eventually". Haha. Yes, I'm sure it will. But at the moment, that's probably about the furthest thing from my mind. I never thought I would get to the place where I was actually 100% ok with being single, but whaddya know? By God's mercy and grace, I finally arrived!

Anyhow, I think that sufficiently updates you, Blog Land citizens.

Happy Wednesday!!

Jammin' to a little Dubstep....