"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Monday, May 23, 2011

Just a Thought

Is it really dead? Have women in their zeal and longing for equality with their male counterparts actually killed it? Is chivalry dead?

The struggle for women to have equal rights with men, didn't suddenly begin with the modern-feminist movement of the  50s and 60s. The beginnings of the feminist movement can trace its roots back to the late 1800s and early 1900s as women marched, picketed, and even went to jail in their battle to win the right to vote.

I've always thought it was amazing that women have, for some reason, always been portrayed by men as the weaker sex. Is it not women who carry life within their own bodies for 9 months? Is it not women who, at the end of the 9 months, come as close to death as they will come, in the effort of giving birth to this life? Can men make their own milk? In physical structure, yes, women are weaker than men. But why should this perceived weakness be extended to our minds? Because a man is physically built smaller than other men, does that mean that his mind must also be weak? I think not.

My apologies...I digress.

Yes, women have mental capabilities that are just as advanced as any man's. But I wonder if in our search for political and social equality if we haven't moved to the extreme. If anyone, male or female, would dare to suggest that I can't do something just because I am a woman, something rises up in me that aches to prove them wrong, and if given the chance, I will.

 Many, however,  are also aware of the fact that women hate to be told they can't do something. They know that most women hate to be referred to as the "weaker" sex. They know that there are a lot of women who want to do things on their own, without male assistance.

But let me tell you something, world, even though I am fully capable of doing many things, I still like to be treated like a lady. I like for the door to be held open for me. I like for a guy to pay for my meal on the first few dates. I liked to be helped out of the car.

What happen to the days when men stood as soon as a lady entered the room? What happened to the days when they wouldn't even think of cursing in the hearing of a lady?

Even though I'm not fragile, even though I'm not made of glass, sometimes I still like to be treated like I might break. Yes, I work 40 hours a week. Yes, I pay my own rent and car note. Yes, I buy my own groceries. Yes, I take care of myself. BUT. I still want to be treated with respect and love.

Women are one of the most beautiful creations that God ever made. He made some of us big, some of us litte, and a lot of us in between. He gave us iron wills and the strength to withstand the sad and terrible things that we will go through in life. He gave us strong, analytical minds, with just the right amount of intuition. As daughters of the King of Kings, we should be treated as what we truly are...His daughters....Princesses.

So ladies of the world! Let the men in your life cherish, love, and respect you. Let them be chivalrous. Letting men open doors for us, doesn't make us weak. Take it as a compliment! It means they see you as what are, a Princess, and they are willing to go out of their way to show that they love and respect you!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Held Together

I am an unashamed music buff with extremely eclectic taste. I like pretty much anything...classical, techno, R&B, pop, rap...you name it, I probably like it. I think that country and Southern Gospel are the only genres that I absolutely cannot stand. I'm thinking about adding a new page to my site, dedicated solely to the music I love. In this vein, I'm dedicating this post to a new group called Royal Tailor.

Their debut single is called Hold Me Together, and has absolutely amazing lyrics, that mesh well with an upbeat R&B-esque sound. The song speaks of the need for Mercy in our lives, and searching for it in the person of Jesus Christ. How many times have each of us fallen down, fallen apart, and in our attempt to get back up, wondered if God will help us get back on our feet, and if He can help us keep it together. The truth of the matter is, that unless He is holding us together...we will fall apart.

I hope you enjoy this sing and that it blesses and encourages you, as much as it did me!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Light at the end of the Tunnel

I am on the upswing. What exactly does this mean? It means that my laundry is folded and put away. It means that the dishes are done and the kitchen is clean; that the checkbook is balanced...pretty much my world is in order. Don't you just love the feeling of checking something off of a list? That feeling of accomplishement? Ha. Maybe that's just me.

Even now you may be wondering, ok soo? Big deal, you're life is in order. No cause for celebration. Well, for me it is, indeed, cause for celebration. Welcome to the world of one who suffers from reoccuring bouts of depression and anxiety. My official diagnosis is Minor Depressive Disorder (Not Otherwise Specified).

Many people, who know me only on the surface level, find this extremely hard to believe. I'm usually smiling and have a pretty easy going, and laid back personality. They would never believe that there are days when I can hardly get out of bed. Thankfully, those times have been fewer and far between in the last few months.

You may have been wondering why I began this article discussing the fact that my house and life in general is on order. I did this because, the best indicator of what's going on inside my head is  how my house looks, how the inside of my car looks, and how I look. Yes, I know, it seems weird, but it's true none the less. If you asked me the biggest indicator that I'm in the middle of a depressive bout, it would be that I lose interest in pretty much everything And I sleep. A lot.

And when I lose interest, I mean I really lose interest. So, my perfectionist Virgo tendencies go by the way side, and I could really care less, whether the kitchen sink is lost under a mountain range of dishes, if the carpet hasn't been vacuumed in 2 weeks, or if my checking account is 100 dollars in the negative, because I simply haven't cared enough to balance my checkbook. You might also notice that I've dropped off the face of the earth. I go nowhere. Unless it's absolutely necessary.  Yeah. It can get pretty bad.

The hardest part? Dealing with people who don't understand what it really means to struggle with depression. It isn't like any other illness. You don't get red spots. You don't have a runny nose. You don't get a fever. To everyone else you seem perfectly fine. I've had people say, "Why don't you just snap out of it?!" 'It's all in your head!" "You could get better if you really wanted to!" These are things people have actually said to me. 

In the past I've shied away from telling people about my struggle because, strangely enough, to some people, depression, still seems to be one of those taboo "mental illness"things. When I do tell people that I have anxiety problems as well as depression, and I see that uncomfortable look come across their face, I laughingly reassure them saying, "Don't worry I'm not a crazy psycho who's going to start foaming at the mouth or talking to people who aren't there." Haha. It just means that my lows are lower and longer, and sometimes, my highs higher, but shorter.

What I try to remember, and what my doctor has tried to drill into my head is that depression IS an illness. Brain chemistry plays the largest role in what triggers and causes depression. Doctors are now seeing, through MRIs, that the parts of the brain that control things like thinking, sleep, appetite, and mood regulation, don't seem to be functioning normally in people who have received this diagnosis. So, while there is a type of depression that is caused by a specific event (divorce, miscarriage), there is  also that which is long term, and basically caused by chemical imbalance or disfunction. For those of us who suffer from the latter, that's why we can't just "snap out of it".

The following is a definition of Minor Depressive Disorder: Minor depressive disorder is diagnosed by identifying a mood disturbance or loss of pleasure along with at least two, but less than five, of the other major depressive disorder symptoms. Symptoms include a rapid weight change without cause, insomnia or hypersomnia, daily fatigue, inappropriate guilt, poor concentration and thoughts of death without intent or plan to commit suicide. Minor depression is episodic and symptoms are not significant enough to impair functioning to the level of major depression. Symptoms are also less severe and more manageable.
 It was difficult at first, because I felt like I could deal with everything I was feeling just fine on my own...Then came the day where I, out of the blue, quit my job, because I just couldn't handle coping with my emotions, my job, my schoolwork, and my downward sliding GPA. That was the day I realized I couldn't do this by myself anymore, and that I didn't have to. 

That "Aha!" moment was in April, 2 years ago. Since then I have only had 2 major reoccurring episodes. I am not ashamed to say that I am taking medication to help keep the above mentioned symptoms in check. I'm not ashamed to say that about once or twice a month I go and talk to a wonderful counselor. I love my life. I have a job that I love going to everyday( for the most part). A wonderful group of friends and family that love and support me. And I have a wonderful Savior, who stands beside me every step of everyday. I just also happen to struggle with anxiety and depression. Yes, the disorder has helped me become who I am, but it does not define me. Yeah, so, some days I might cry a lot. Some days I might really have a hard time getting up and about. Some days it's all I can do hold my head up. But let me tell you one thing world, it is the bad days that make the good ones all the more sweet, all the more lovely.

Thanks Pam for the topic suggestion!!

To learn more about Depression go to:
Read more: Definition of Minor Depression | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5508852_definition-minor-depression.html#ixzz1Lsjjy1Zq

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mambo with Mumble

Since I made the announcement that I have once again been plagued with writer's block, I have received several suggestions, ranging from serious to comical. So, my next few postings will be dedicated to the topics so kindly suggested by my faithful readers. Please do not hesitate to continue sending suggestions, all are welcome! If you suggest it I will write about it!

In 1964, they were featured in their own song and dance number, side by side with Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. In 2005, we saw them successfully (sort of) commandeer a ship bound for Kenya, thereby marooning a troop of unlikely zoo animals together on an island nation. We've seen them march. We've heard them sing. We've watched them dance. Yes, dear World. I am talking about Penguins.

If you ever doubt that the creator of the universe has a sense of humor, just hop in the trusty old jalopy and head for your Zoo's penguin exhibit. They are perpetually dressed in tuxedos. They have no neck to speak of, and their feet seem to protrude directly from their torso, giving them their characteristic waddle. They have wings, but can't fly, and seem more comfortable zipping through the ocean, than waddling about on dry ground.

I remember, when I was in elementary school, our class took a field trip to the zoo, just around the time they opened the penguin exhibit. I was enthralled (even though they smelled terrible). So much so, that as we were leaving for the day, I couldn't resist buying a stuffed animal penguin. I named him Oreo.

What I find fascinating is that Penguins are almost always portrayed as musicians or dancers in the movies. I suppose that this stems from the fact that the black of their plumage is so sharply contrasted by the white of their bellies and chests, making it seem as though they're always dressed for a party. I find this fascinating because of the sheer impossibility of a penguin being able to dance. They don't really have legs! They just have feet! Haha. Perhaps that's what makes them so endearing.

Now for the facts. There are 17 species of penguins, the largest of which being the Emperor penguin. It is the Emperor penguin that is featured in the movie Happy Feet, in the character of Mumble. Did you know that adult Emperor penguins can grow to about 3 feet 7 inches tall? Omg. That's the size of a small child! As ridiculous as it may sound, if I ever saw one of those things waddling towards me, I'd probably run screaming in the opposite direction.  3 feet is just a little too big for a bird!

Now, when most of us think of penguins, our minds automatically take us to the Arctic. Glaciers. Ice. Snow. You get my drift. You might then, be surprised to learn that some species of penguins, the Galapagos Penguin, specifically, live very close to the Equator. Along with this, you may also be shocked to learn that penguins do not live in the North Pole. So, the Christmas time pictures you see of the Coca Cola bear with penguins has actually helped perpetuate this mistaken belief. So now you know. Polar bears make their homes in the Northern Hemisphere and penguins make theirs in the Southern. It is unlikely they would meet without some kind of human intervention.

Pretty interesting, huh? So, now, if there's ever a lull in the conversation at a dinner party, you can wow the other guests in attendance with your vast knowledge on Penguins!

Thank you Mike for the topic!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well, world...it's happened again. I have writer's block. This time though, I'm going to ask for YOUR help with this debilitating disorder. That's right, you can pick what I write about!

All you have to do is comment on this post, suggesting a topic that you would like to see written about.

Waiting for you world!