"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Monday, June 4, 2012

Deal? Or No Deal?

My apologies for those of you who happen to be amongst my male readers, as this post is directed primarily to the ladies. All the same, I'm sure you'll find this information useful too. 

 I'm an independent woman, but I am by no means a man-hater. However, yesterday, as my sister, one of our long time friends, and I sat in our kitchen, we began chatting about a lady who recently got her groove back after her divorce. This of course led to further discussion of the men each of us have encountered in our separate lives. If I could sum up the entire conversation we had in a single sentence, I would quote the famous Maya Angelou. She said, "The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." 

A very wise lady told me recently that one of the greatest determiners of your future happiness will be the choice you make for a spouse. This same lady told me to learn to look with my eyes and not my ears, because actions speak louder than words. It is a person's actions that show you what their true character is. 

A different lady whom I respect, who happens to be a psychologist, also told me that the greatest determination of future behavior is past behavior. 

Don't mistake me...I am a firm believer that the Blood of Jesus can change anyone and anything. But people have to want to change. 

Many older women that I have talked with whose marriages have failed, cannot stress enough to me to never, never settle. Furthermore, if you date a tiger, become engaged to a tiger, marry a tiger...don't expect to find a cheetah in the bed with you 3 months after the honeymoon. 

I count it an immense advantage to have the above information. I have no significant other, and no prospects at the moment, but I know that when the time comes, this knowledge will be worth it's weight in gold. 

For all their admirable qualities, all men have faults. When you see those faults, don't try to brush them under the rug and try to convince yourself they're not there. When someone shows you who they are...BELIEVE THEM. And then decide if that's something you can deal with...or if it's a deal breaker. 

I repeat again...


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