"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hi Ho! It's to the Zoo We Go!

I've been planning since the kids first got out of school to take them somewhere for a field trip of sorts. At last, 3 weeks into their summer break, we made it to the Zoo!

Let me start by saying that the actual outing that I had planned for today was to the Science Center to see a show at the Imax about Polar Bears. I had cleared my plans with their Dad the night before, but when I got to work this morning I was informed that Big Brother no longer wanted to go to the Imax and perhaps we could go to the Zoo instead. I was quick to respond with a nod of my head, a sympathetic smile, and a "I understand completely." What was actually going on in my head was something different altogether. It sounded something like this....

What the heck?! The CHILD didn't want to go...so now we're not? I'm not dressed for the zoo! I've only got flip flops! My feet are already messed up! I can't walk through the zoo with all those hills in FLIP FLOPS! I have on a long thick jean skirt and a cute shirt with a tank on under it. Cute, yes...but appropriate zoo wear is loose fitting, comfortable clothing with tennis shoes...NOT everyday clothes and FLIP FLOPS!!!! GAAAAAHHHH!!!


I got over it. 

They paid for a year zoo membership for me. 

We went and had a marvelous time. I had a serious talk with the kids before we left the house explaining how important it was that they be good listeners and that they not run off. We had this talk again before we got out of the car once we got to the zoo. They were little angels. I didn't have a single problem from either one of them. Big Brother kept a watchful eye on his sister and insisted on holding her hand the entire time. I was amazed and impressed. 

We saw all kinds of animals and went through the new Polar Bear Exhibit, Glacier Run. We got to see life sized animatronic dinosaurs that moved and roared. Little Sis was more than a little wary, but Big Bro was definitely in his element. he knew the names of all the dinosaurs just by looking at them. He knew if they were bipedal, theropods, omnivores, or carnivores. He knew whether they had lived in the Cretaceous, Jurassic, or Mesozoic time periods. I think he enjoyed them more than the live animals. Ha. 

After about 2 hours, Little Sis was begging me to carry her and my feet felt like they were going to fall off. Thankfully they all agreed they were ready to head home, so we were able to leave without any tantrums being thrown. 

All in all, it was a fun day. The kids enjoyed themselves and so did I. 

Next time though...I'm calling the shots on where we go!

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