"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Dachshund Chronicles: Part 2

He gets underfoot in the kitchen. I've almost broken an ankle trying to avoid rupturing his spleen. He steals my underwear, socks, and scarves from my closet, and then hides under the bed where he can chew them to shreds incognito(or so he thinks). He eats entire toilet paper rolls, leaving the house covered in shreds of paper. He thinks my house guests are there solely to play with him.

Yes, world...I am talking about my dog.

Some days we have a love/hate relationship. On the day when everything at work has gone completely wrong, and I come home to find something in shreds or a puddle of pee on the floor, I want to hang a sign from my balcony that says, " Free Miniature Dachshund. I'll pay YOU to take him off my hands."

There is a quote that says, " Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole". I am not one of those dog owners who dresses my dog up to take him out for a walk, or feeds him gourmet pet food that costs more than my groceries do in a week. I bathe and groom him myself. I buy him perhaps one new toy a month. Although he has an immaculate pedigree, I do not show him in dog shows. To me he is simply my Oliver.

As a single woman, I definitely have my lonely days. And it is those times, when having someone, even if it is a dog, greet you at the door that is heart warming and special. Did I mention he gives hugs? Seriously. My routine after work is to take Ollie out, throw one of his toys around with him for a while, and then sit on the couch to read emails, check snail mail, etc...generally unwinding from the work day. As I sit there, Oliver will hop up on to the couch beside me, at first, and then after about 30seconds he will crawl into my lap, raise up on his hind legs as he places his 2 front paws on my shoulders, and nuzzles his little head into the crook of my neck. And there he will sit, for as long as feels I need it. I've laughed into his fur, as well as cried.

Yes, he requires a lot of work. At times, especially during the house training process, I felt as though I had acquired a 2 year old child instead of a pet. He slept a lot during the day, and kept me up with his  barking at night, and he rrelieved himself whenever and wherever he felt the need. Oh yes, he's grown past that puppy stage, but he still has his moments that completely enrage me...but on the whole...he's a good dog...the most attentive listener, the best secret keeper, and a constant friend.

It's the little in things life, World, that makes this crazy thing called life a little more bearable.

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