"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Monday, January 24, 2011

You've Been Served

So, I was at the gym early this afternoon, and was walking on the treadmill, minding my own business, when I was filled with the urge to laugh...hysterically. This is what I saw on my treadmill's TV...

LOL. I don't know why this struck me as so funny. Perhaps it's because I find it hilarious when people fall down, break things, etc. Or it could be because I can relate to the whole button popping thing. 

In the last 6 months I have gone through two rounds of corticosteroids (prednisone) because I suffer from Reactive Air Ways Disease. The Prednisone, while it always immediately helps the inflammation of my poor little lungies...well...it generally messes everything else up. From ridiculously frequent urination, insomnia, muscle pain and spasms, to totally screwing up my metabolism...well...I have a love-hate relationship with that pill. 

So, as if it weren't enough that I had stopped going to the gym prior to my first RADs episode and had gained a little weight...the prednisone stints definitely didn't do anything for me...except add about 10 pounds to my frame. So, add that to the fact that I am an emotional eater who has recently moved out on her own, and doesn't have time( or make time) to cook healthy foods...well...you do the math on how much weight I've gained.

In a nutshell...I want my body back. So, I've rejoined the gym and I'm trying to curb my horrible eating habits. Last week wasn't so great. I only made it to the gym one time. On the upside (I think) I'm on a new medication that is making me sick to my stomach, so I hardly ate last week at all...so maybe the not working out will balance out with not eating. I think there maybe something wrong with my reasoning in that last sentence. Oh well. 

Anyway, this week, I strive to do better. I have  wedding to be in March and I want to be ready. I want to be able to fit into my dress without the help of various shape smoothing undergarments. I want to be confident in my own skin. 

Rally's BaconZilla Cheeseburgers, Big Macs, fries, Large, Cheesy Pizza's, Dr. Peppers....I'm serving you notice...I want my body back...and you my greasy, yummy friends...aren't gonna stop me from getting it!

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