For many, although it's still sweltering outside, today signals the end of the summer. Pools are closing, summer clothes are on clearance at stores (yay), and by now almost all the kids are back to school.
Usually my Labor Day weekend is nothing special. I usually just lay around the house, clean, catch up on sleep, or all of the above. While I was able to do all of those things, I was also able to cross another item off of my 30 Before 30 Bucket List! YAAAAY!!
My sister and I kicked the weekend off at the Louisville Palace Theatre. I believe I may have mentioned a few posts back that they were having an Alfred Hitchock film festival. Jess couldn't figure out how to get into the parking garage right across from the we rode around the blocks surrounding 4th street for at least 10 minutes. After numerous wrong turns, full circles, and near wrecks as we attempted to enter through the exit lanes of various closed parking garages....we finally settled on one down the street and around the corner, which required us to walk past a shady looking establishment that flashed "GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS" in neon pink.
Praise the Lord for the buddy system. Bahahahaha.
Anyway. We were late. Have I mentioned that I hate being late?
The movie had already started when we finally walked through the doors to see Mr. Hitchcock's legendary Psycho. Fortunately, it hadn't gotten very far. We own the movie. But there was something about seeing it on the big screen that really made me appreciate the suspense and the outstanding cinematography. Most of the people there were fellow Hitchcock enthusiasts. Yet, during the scene in which the private detective is walking up the stairs (to meet his death), the entire theatre jumped and screamed when Norman/Mother came flying down wielding that famous knife. Ha.
We enjoyed every minute of it.
As is tradition in Louisville on the last weekend of August, it was time for....Worldfest! And after being unable to go for the last few years, I was finally able to make it. And so, I check that off of my 30 Before 30 Bucket List!
It takes place on the Belvedere, right next to the River and the Galt House. As soon as you turn the corner you are bombarded by colors, music, and the smells of all kinds of different culture's foods. There are two stages on which people of all different cultures preform song, music, and dance. We saw a Vietnamese Lion Dance, African Dancers, Latino music and dance, and belly dances from India, Hawaii, and Tribal Fusion.
In short, I've thoroughly enjoyed every moment of my long weekend.
Thank the Lord for random Monday holidays!
How have you spent the long weekend Blog Land?
Love this post!! :-) LUBAB!!