"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

30 Before 30: The Challenge

I can in no way claim credit for the idea behind this post. I read another blogger's site and wanted to use the idea for myself. Below you will find a bucket list of things I want to accomplish before I hit the big 3-0. I figure that 5 years is more than enough time to at least try to get all of these things done. I'm also looking for some ride or die ladies to do some stuff with me...namely doing a cancer walk and going to Italy! Each time I accomplish one of the things on my list, I will post an update complete with a detailed description of the event as well as pictures. This is a pretty random bucket list...some are shallow...some are deep...and some are in between. 
1. Take tennis lessons---I can play...but would love formal training!

2. Take an art class

3. Lose 30 pounds---Work in Progress, thanks to Visalus!

4. Take a road trip to Gatlinburg with my girls---we keep making plans.....

5. Finish my Paralegal Degree---After this semester, only 3 classes left!

6. Get a job at a law office

7. Pay off last credit card---Harder than it sounds

8.  Fall in love for the last time---I know the day will come...and I can't wait

9. Plan my own wedding---after helping almost all of my close friends plan theirs...I can't wait to do mine

10.  Get married---

11. Be a better manger of money---basically have self-control

12. Learn to Swim---it's a shame ain't it? 25 and can't swim! Disgraceful!

13. Go to Italy---My Dream Trip

14. Write a Thriller---Work in Progress....14 chapters completed

15. Get my Thriller Published---ambitious indeed

16. Journey into the very heart of God...then live there

17. Start a reading group or book club

18. Buy myself a beautiful piece of jewelry from Tiffany & Co. ---*Sigh* Yes, Yes.

19. Make a list of 100 books I want to read and start reading them

20. Do a breast cancer walk with friends

21. Buy a house---regardless if I'm single or not

22. Get a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 

23. Go to New York City

24. Journal everyday. Even if it's only one sentence. 

25. Take a picture everyday of the year, then scrapbook the pics.

26. Spend an entire weekend cell phone and internet free. 

27. Read/Re-read ALL the Jane Austen books.

28. Go to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra Concert

29. Go to WorldFest 

30. Stop worrying about things that are beyond my control


  1. Never been to worldfest? You just missed it!

  2. I knoooow! Caro and I were supposed to go that Saturday, but it ended up raining all day! Next year, I guess!
