"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Break Time

For the last week, the kids of Oldham county have been on Spring Break. I remember those days...sleeping in until at least 9:30...staying in my PJs until noon or later...veggin' out in front of the TV for hours, watching old reruns of Gilligan's Island and The Beverly Hillbillies. Jess and I would make these huge sandwich concoctions on toasted slices of bread and then stuff them into sandwich bags, stuff some chips in another sandwich bag, then grab a brown paper sack and put the sandwich's and chips into them. Ha. We trekked the long miles upstairs into my bedroom where we would have a "picnic" lunch at my little tikes table (you remember? The kind with the little chairs?). 

Such awesome memories my sister and I have of spring and summer breaks. 

Of course, as a nanny, you can imagine what spring break means to me now...yeap...kiddos from 8:30 in the morning until 6:30 in the evening. Surprisingly enough, every morning when I arrived, the kids were already up and usually sitting at the kitchen table enjoying either a bowl of honey nut cheerios or toast with Nutella spread. 

The first day, my blessed employers, presented me with a little surprise...Big Brother was having a friend over...his best friend to be exact...."I hope that's ok", the dad yelled as he flew out of the door for work...As if I could do anything about it now if it wasn't? 

People these days. 

I was rewarded, however, for my good deed two days later, when I learned that Big Brother would be spending the day at that same best friend's house....sad to say I was thrilled. I would rather deal with Little Sister's constant demands for me to play with her than Big Brother's frequent aspberger-esque meltdowns. However, after 3 straight episodes of Go Diego Go!, I was hoping that Big Brother would make a return to help keep Little Sis occupied. Of course, that didn't happen. 

By the time Thursday rolled around I was mentally exhausted and more than ready for a break. Between getting up at 6 every morning, battling traffic with one of the main on ramps being shut down, keeping Little Sister occupied, and navigating my way around the meltdown prone behavior of Big Brother....I was a basket case. 

Sadly, this was only ONE week....what in the world am I going to do with THREE months of summer break?!?! 

Although it was nerve wracking at times, I did enjoy my extra time with the kids and even had the opportunity to bond with Big Brother as we put together a huge Lego Ninjago ship. 

But goodness....I'd better start looking for summer break activity ideas!

1 comment:

  1. What a week, huh?! LOL!! - Well, like you said the fun really begins when summer break hits. Yeah, think you better start brainstorming for those days to come. LOL!! LUBAB!! :-)
