"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

It's hard to believe, but I have officially back in the nanny saddle for exactly one month. I've settled very nicely into the routine and it feels like I've been taking care of these kids forever. It's amazing how much more laid back my life is now. I actually have time to get my prayer and study time in, in the mornings without feeling rushed. I have time to cook breakfast some days and I've been cooking dinner when I come home in the evenings. Instead of dishes sitting in the sink for days, I have time to do them either before work or right after dinner.

In short, it's been pretty great. I know that all this will change once the kids are out of school for the summer and I'll be with them from early morning until the evening. However, for now, I'm enjoying my super flexible schedule.

Must dash...have a beautiful day Blog Land!

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