I thoroughly enjoy poking fun at random people and the weird things that I see them do. I've discovered that a lot of people love to make jokes at the expense of others, but when it comes down to it, they can't take a little joke aimed at themselves. Ha.
I, however, am not one of those people.
So, I would like to share with Blog Land some of the crazy, silly, and dumb things that I have done just this past week.
1. Ahead of the Game....Or am I?
This week has been an extremely busy one for me. My school work is taking up more and more of my time, I've added a new workout regimen to my daily routine, which means less sleep on a daily basis. I'm scheduled to teach in our middle school youth ministry this Sunday night, and my friend C and I are also helping my aunt to throw a Sweet 16 birthday bash for my cousin...frankly, my mind is 50,000 places at one time. Because I knew this weekend was going to be packed full of other activities, I decided to make sure I had gotten most of my homework for my law office technology class by Thursday evening. I happily finished reading the chapter and with a great sense of accomplishment, set out to do the weekly discussion board assignment. The post was due on Thursday by midnight, so I was very surprised to find that no one had posted anything yet. I shrugged and set to work on writing a 250 word post about electronic spread sheets. I finished and clicked the link to paste my words into the box. Before I hit the submit button, I decided that it was really strange that no one had posted yet. I clicked back a few pages and quickly discovered the reason why. Electronic Spreadsheets is NEXT week's assignment. So...I read the wrong chapter. And wrote a post for the wrong week. *Sigh* So much for being ahead of the game. Haha.
2. What Was I Doing?
My least favorite aspect of my housekeeping job is taking out the trash. It involves rolling huge barrels of trash out to a dumpster and then attempting to hoist the bags into the dumpster, while trying to avoid the trash juice that sometimes bursts through the big black bags. Usually by 11:45 p.m. I'm so over work and ready to go home, that it's all I can do to make that last trash run. The very last thing I do before going home at night is to empty the ash trays from the smoking area into one of the bags before tying it up and hoisting it into the dumpster. Usually by about midnight there isn't anyone out there, but a few nights ago there was one lone smoker. I smiled at him as I went from ash tray to ash tray emptying the contents, while trying not to inhale the smell of nasty, stale cigarettes. As I did this, my mind was on all the things that I had to do once I got home. I finished emptying the trays and started to make my way back into the building. I stopped about half way because I realized that the trash can was still heavy. I looked down and discovered that I had left the bag in the can. Um...what was I doing? Oh right...taking out the trash. So...it would be helpful then if I put it into the dumpster instead of taking it back inside with me, eh? I paused for a second and turned back towards the dumpster. I felt my ears and my cheeks heat up as the smoker guy looked at me with this little smirk on his face. I smiled and rolled my eyes. How embarrassing...lol...and funny. Who goes all the way outside to empty the trash and then forgets to empty it? Um....I guess that would be me! Haha.
I love poking fun at people; but I love it even more when they poke at me! I just start giggling! It's awesome! To banter is the lifeblood of my survival! ahahaha! I like this post. I do the same thing - forget why I went somewhere. I even lose my train of thought in the middle of a sentence! Love ya, girl! What are you going to teach about?