"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Starry Night

I love music. Whether it's the simplest tune or a complex classical piece, music simply speaks to me. It has the power to lull me to sleep at night, to calm my nerves when they're frayed, and it can catapult my soul from rock bottom to level ground. Music is what feelings sound like. 

Every so often, while I'm in my car driving, a song comes on the radio that catches my attention. Sometimes it's the beat, sometimes it's the music itself, and sometimes it's the lyrics. As strange as this may sound, thanks to my radio, I've had some of my rawest emotional experiences behind the wheel of my car. Weird, I know. 

I had one of these experiences not too long ago. I can't even remember now where I was going, or what I was doing (besides driving). I was listening to the local christian station, when a song I'd never heard before came on the radio. It started out normal enough, nothing extraordinary... or so I thought. Then, the chorus started..."I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the moon reflect the sun, every starry night, that was His design."

As the song continued, tears welled in my eyes, and soon spilled down my face. I still can't really pinpoint what it is about this song that evokes such an emotional response in me. They are without a doubt, beautiful words....they express what my mind could not put into words. At the end of the song, the chorus lyrics change a bit to the following:

You see, I can remember many nights, where Jesus changed my life, and He gave me hope when I had none. This same God who created the sun, the moon, and the stars, cares about little, insignificant me. How amazing. How can you not stand in awe of a God like that? How can you not love Him with everything in you? How can you reflect on all of this and remain dry-eyed? I can't. 

I've posted the video below. I hope that you'll find it as beautiful as I did.

Oh I'm giving my life to the only One who makes the moon reflect the sun

On that starry night, He changed my life.
I'm giving it all to the only Son who gave me hope when I had none.


  1. it is beautiful and when you think of it like how u put it it is tear evoking...

  2. Wow!, Mom really likes this. :-)

  3. I'll be Anonymous (not really) - only profile I could get in under. LOL!
