Citizens of Blog Land, I've neglected you!
It seems like every time I write a new post I'm apologizing for the length of time that has passed between posts. Haha. What can I say? Life is so busy. Exhausting. Full. Wonderful. I'm not making any promises, but in the future I shall try to do better...*wink wink*.
My Mom always told me that it takes all kinds of people to make up this crazy world...and having been lately thrust into the corporate arena, that little nugget of truth has never been more apparent. Being the extremely laid back person that I am, it never ceases to amaze me how adult individuals over 40 years of age still have the capacity to be such drama junkies.
Seriously people...do your jobs, address issues as they arise instead of talking about someone behind their back, keep it professional, be genuine, and be kind. Is it that difficult? For some....apparently it is.
By no means am I claiming to be perfect. There are people who, as I've gotten to know them better over the last 2 months, have gotten under my skin. I've learned who is two faced and who can keep confidences. I've learned who I can trust and who I cannot. The key, in my humble opinion, is to remember that we are all there for the same reason, and that we're all a team and should be working together to meet our business goals. Who cares that so and so gets on my nerves? What does that have to do with me doing my job? Absolutely nothing.
But maybe that's just me. I hate conflict. I hate confrontation.
Thankfully, none of the interoffice conflicts have touched me. I stay in my little corner of the office and try not to say a word. But I hear the complaining and backbiting that goes on. It's mind boggling.
Still love the job, though! People however....are flippin' nuts!
LOL - Welcome to the "corporate" business world darlin' :-)