"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Of That Which Cleopatra Speaks

The Trifecta Challenge for the weekend is a simple one: to take 33 words from one of your favorite piece of literature and give the best 33 words you can find. A seemingly simple task...but quite huge when you consider the fact that I LOVE books and so many of my favorites contain words that are all just about as equally profound. How can I choose just 33 from just 1 book?!


After quite a bit of thinking I decided to choose a quote from The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George. Ms. George is by far, one of my favorite authors as she does my favorite genre, historical fiction, the justice that few others can. She takes the facts that history  provides us with and then weaves it so perfectly with human emotion and feeling that it becomes so believable and relatable that the seam between what is fiction and what is history becomes invisible, making for a perfect piece of writing.

"Words, once spoken, linger forever; to keep peace we pretend to forget, but we never do. Strange that a spoken word can have such lasting power when words carved on stone monuments vanish" 


  1. Oh I love historical fiction. I'll have to check out Memoirs of Cleopatra. I love the quote too! :D

  2. It is true what she says about words... This is a really good quote!

  3. we never do forget words spoken - so true!

  4. I really like that quote. Very poetic. :)

  5. A quote that articulates the regret of words spoken in haste, and hope of a parent, that the Blood of Christ will heal what can sometimes take many, many years in the natural to wash away!

  6. This is a great quote. So true, and so well written. Thanks for sharing!

  7. sticks & faded stones...nice choice - powerful

  8. I love this so much! (: What a great quotation.

  9. A very powerful 33. Thanks for linking up!

  10. Excellent choice!And so true-if only we realise the power of words!
