I am an avid Apple lover. I love all things Apple(with the exception of the newest system "update"). I have a Macbook computer and an iPhone 4S. If it wouldn't be completely ridiculous and superfluous, I'd get an iPad. Whenever I do eventually buy a full desktop computer, you can bet it will be a Mac.
Unfortunately, technology has become one of those things that you can't live with or without. While most of the time it is consistently consistent, there are those terribly inconvenient times when it decides when it doesn't want to be consistent. Like at 11:45 p.m. when you have a paper due at midnight. Or when you're lost in the boonies and your GPS stops working. Or when you're trying to register for classes and instead of the desired screen, up pops a screen with random numbers and letters with the word "dummy" interspersed between.
Yeap...the computer was calling me dummy.
Of all the nerve!
All I wanted to do was register for next semester!
So, I giggled to myself and then shut down Safari, waited a few minutes before trying again...this time I got an error message that said something like, "break in attempt detected, number of cookie sections detected: 2"
Oh Lawd! There's a thief amongst us trying to break in and steal all my cookies!
Haha. I don't know why but that error message struck me as hi-larious. I mean, really...I could laugh or pull my hair out...and well...I do so love to laugh.
Anyhow, I'm still trying to register for classes and continue to be alternately verbally abused and warned of break-ins by my computer...and because I'm feeling a lil zany, a lil crazy, and a lil awesome....whilst I'm being abused warned....this is the music going on in my head....
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