Well Blog Land, I figure that the time has come to update you on what has been accomplished in my 30 Before 30 Challenge...So what has happened? Well...to be honest..erm...not much.
Now, I will say that I have
started working on a few things....but as of yet, nothing has been completed. But as you can imagine, these things take time. Two of the biggest challenges that I have begun to work on are the weight loss and taking control of my finances. As I have endeavored to correct all that is wrong in these two areas, I was shocked to find that these two seemingly different problems share a common root problem. Are you ready for this? Self-Control.
Yes, Blog Land...I said Self-Control.
As I have mentioned before, I have been doing the ViSalus Meal Replacement Shake Program. It started off quite well and I was amazed at how quickly the weight rolled off. I was super-vigilant. I cut soda out of my diet and cut back on how often I ate out and my intake of sweets. I was in heaven the day I got on the scale and discovered that I was 12 pounds lighter. However, around the same time, I experienced a disappointment which led to some emotional eating. I was craving everything I knew I shouldn't eat. Remember the whole burrito thing??
While I was still doing the shakes, I was eating anything and everything I wanted between meals. Mostly fast food and sweets. I literally couldn't get enough. This continued for about...ooooh...I'd say 3 weeks, and then I climbed back on the scale.
I had gained 5 pounds.
Well really, what did I expect?
I WISH I was one of those people who could eat whatever they want and never gain a pound. Sadly, due to a hormonal disorder, I have the metabolism of at least a 50 year old. So if I don't watch what I eat, I
will gain weight.
I'm happy to say though, that I have snapped out of my binge eating and have gone back to actually considering what I'm eating before I put it in my mouth, as well as, how much I'm putting in my mouth. Portions are EVERYTHING.
The same thing goes for my money. I have a tendency to be very impulsive at times. For the most part, I carefully weigh all of the options before making a decision. But there are times, like when I'm craving chocolate or want a new pair of shoes, where are all my resolves flies away, and I cave.
I have had the opportunity to work in some very beautiful and very expensive homes in the last year. I often come away thinking, " Man, I would love to own a home like that one day". Of course, right now, that's impossible. While I do well as a nanny, there's no way I can afford a 500,000 dollar house. But it did bring to mind a conversation that I had with one of my aunts a while back. She said, " It's not always about how much money you have, it's about what you do with the money you
do have." Well said, and so true.
If I want to have nice things in the future and be able to do fun things, then I have to stop throwing my money away, simply because I cannot, or rather choose not to, control my spending now.
With God's help I'm getting better.
I know that self-control is important to Him, because it is listed as one of the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5:22 & 23.
Doing this 30 Before 30 Challenge is already turning out to be more work and more revealing than I thought it would!
However, learning more about myself is just another part of my Wonderland Adventure!