"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Thursday, September 27, 2012

ViSalus & Contractions

I officially feel like I've been run over by a truck...that then backed up and then ran over me again just for good measure. Blah. I can't be 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure this is all my own fault.

Since the middle of August, I have been doing ViSalus, which is a meal replacement plan, where you drink shakes 2 times a day instead of what would be your normal meal. All of the plans differ and some plans only require you to replace 1 meal a day. It really just depends on what you're trying to accomplish. I'm happy to announce that after 1 month of ViSalus I have lost exactly 12 pounds! And that's with minimal exercise. I hate exercising.

My sister is a promoter for ViSalus and I have to admit that when she first started talking about it, I was more than a little skeptical. However, when I finally decided to try it for myself and then proceeded to lose 3 pounds in the first week...well...I was a believer!

At the risk of sounding like one of those infomercials, I will say that I have never felt better about my body, and I have also never had more energy. I am on the plan to replace 2 meals a day, so for me, that is breakfast and lunch. You know that feeling you get after you eat lunch and then go back to work and then have to fight to stay awake? I haven't had that experience since I started ViSalus! It really has been amazing. I've lost 12 pounds and only have 18 more to go!

Anyhow, I digress.

The blah feeling.

Have I mentioned I'm an emotional eater? And that for the last week, I've kept forgetting to refill my anti-depressant medication? Ha. So yesterday, the whole time I was at work, I was feeling a bit blue, and started craving something fatty, cheesy, and meaty. I wanted a huge burrito from Puerto Vallarta! I asked my dear baby sister if she wanted to come along after work and she declined. Boo on her.

I, however, remedied that situation by stopping at Moe's. My favorite thing to get there? The Homewrecker Burrito. It's HUGE. I mean, like, a burrito as big as your head. So I ordered it in all of it's burrito-y goodness, filled to bursting with beef, cheese, lettuce, guacamole, sour cream and rice. And of course, you can't go to Moe's without getting a cup of their creamy queso.

So, quite excited, I rushed home, to settle into my PJs and start chowing down. And chow down I did...until I ate the WHOLE thing AND half of the cup of queso.

It was delicious. I enjoyed Every. Single. Bite.

Until about 20 minutes later. Dear Lord, did that burrito wreck my life!

What was I thinking? What with the shakes and really only eating one real meal a day, my stomach has shrunk considerably. And I just stuffed a burrito as big as my head into it? What a stupid little girl I am.

Fast-forward to today. I get up this morning, quite excited that the kids are on fall break and that I don't have to work...and proceed to the bathroom to um...drop some friends off at the pool. Ha. Well when I go back to lay down I am hit with pain so severe  I literally double over. I head back to the bathroom. Nothing happened. I head back to the bed. Gut-wrenching pain again. Head back to the bathroom. Nothing happened. This continues for over an hour and I take gas-pills AND Pepto Bismol. But I'm still experiencing burrito induced contractions every 3 to 4 minutes.


I finally decided that I was just going to have to ride this out...or go to the ER. So, I curled up into a ball in my bed and rode the burrito waves until I fell asleep. About every hour I would be awakened from some very strange dreams by a particularly painful burrito contraction. And would then contemplate heading to the ER before drifting back in to sleep land.

Finally at 3:30 (that's in the P.M.) I woke up and didn't feel any pain radiating from by stomach region. Yes, people of blog-land, I had burrito contractions for 5 hours!

I am happy to say that the contractions have subsided, but my stomach is still not feeling very regular. I have had 1 shake today and half a cup of coffee and it looks like soup will be all I will be having for dinner. But I consider this a lesson learned. 2 lessons learned actually.

1. I will never live through child-birth.

2. Don't stuff a burrito that's as big as your head into your tummy that has shrank to the size of a lemon!

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