"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Thursday, May 10, 2012


By the time 6:00 rolled around yesterday evening I was so ready to go home, I would've walked if I had to. I actually love going to work everyday...most of the time. But yesterday was just one of those "off" days that we all experience every once in a while. From the moment that I woke up, I wanted to be left alone. Beware poor world, Leo the Lioness had her claws out. As you can imagine, a grumpy lion and a clingy 4 year old don't exactly mesh well. As it happens, the clingy 4 year old was also in a grumpy mood. Recipe for a long day. 

Now, I'm one of those people who hate the idea of the TV babysitting the kids. Which is kind of cool, because Little Sis and Big Brother are only allowed 1 hour of TV a day. Usually, I don't mind this at all because we have all kinds of fun adventures playing outside or running around the house. Yesterday...I wanted the TV to babysit. That, however, was not an option. So, I pulled out multiple toys for Little Sis and curled up in the corner of the couch with my pocket sized Sudoku book and went to work on it. It was only a matter of about 15 minutes before Little Sis was demanding in an absolutely irritating whiney voice that I play with her...that I go look for her little fake phone in the basement with her...that I do a puzzle with her...that she had to poop...that she didn't want to sit on the floor because it was hard...that she wanted to take pictures with my phone...and when did we have to go pick up Big Brother.


My head was hurting and my anxiety level skyrocketed from about 6 to 15 in .5 seconds flat. As I got up to go look for her toy phone, Little Sis fell on the floor and proceeded to wrap herself around my leg, making it nearly impossible for me to walk. "Plaaay with meeee....plaaaay with meeeee". Oh dear Lord. 

So...we looked for her phone...which we did not find and then I played with her for quite some time...which of course, was still not enough time for her. She was so whiney that even her brother said at one point, "what's wrong with you? Stop acting like that". What she needed was a nice long nap...or a good spank. I could've done with a nap too. 

When it was time for their shows to come on PBS at 4:30 I was more than ready. I plopped them down in front of the TV and then stalked out of the room. I sat in the dining room with my earbuds in my ears and stared at the wall. For an hour. Ha.

I love both of those kids. But I had absolutely no patience for them yesterday. In retrospect, I feel kind of bad...I mean, I wasn't mean...just a lot less tolerant...which is a bit out of character for me. Oh well...today is a new day with no mistakes in it yet. 

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