"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Would You Do?

People are getting beat up all the time. This, dear world, is a fact. Whether it's physically, emotionally, or mentally it's always happening. Many times it's done behind the closed doors of homes, behind buildings, and in empty bathrooms and hallways. Admittedly, there is little we can do about these things "done in the dark". But. What if you witnessed this abuse, in broad daylight, in a public place...in a resteraunt, no less? What would you do?

Chrissy Lee Polis is the name of the transgender woman who was recently beaten ruthlessly in a McDonalds while the staff and other customers looked on. One worker even filmed the whole thing using his phone. Here is the link to the video: http://www.mediaite.com/online/transgendered-woman-attacked-at-mcdonalds-speaks-out-in-first-interview/

Apparently, the fight started when one of the attackers accused Polis of flirting with, or trying to talk to her man. One of the girls spit on her and the fight began...and continued, until finally a fed up customer intervened. Unfortunately, by this time, Polis had gone into a seizure. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. They beat her into a seizure.

Let me go on record by stating clearly that I in no way condone Polis's lifestyle. But, let me also say that what was done to her was wrong on many, many levels. Perhaps the most sickening part of this entire thing is the fact that no one got involved, except an older lady. The entire McDonalds crew was standing around watching. Doing nothing. How unspeakably sad. I am happy to say that the man who video taped the attack, was promptly fired from McDonalds for recording and putting the tape up on the Internet. 

I know that 9 times out of 10, if asked, "Would you intervene?", we would say yes, of course I would...but would you? Two loud, very intimidating, black women, are screaming, shouting, fists are flying, weave is being pulled out, earrings ripped off....mmhmm...think again. Would you really get in the middle of that

I admit it...I might definitely pause before leaping into action. I'd probably look around and see if anyone else was going to help. But I pray that I would have the presence of mind and the strength of will to do it.

You know, it doesn't even have to be the big things, like this fight. It could be small things that happen within the course of your work and school day. As a teacher of small children, I know that sometimes it was easy to pretend not to hear when children would make rude and cutting remarks to others, simply dismissing it as "playground talk". How hard would it be to stick up for the underdog, huh? WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.  ~Confucius

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

I've decided that I will follow the example of Noah and begin building an ark. Ha. Just kidding. Seriously though, with all the rain we've had in our area lately, the thought has crossed my mind. It has been raining for literally a week, with only a few brief hours of reprieve.

Last Wenesday, at around 12:30 A.M. I was awakened to deafening silence and the remote whine of a siren. In my coming out sleep confusion, I realized that the power must be out because my fan was no longer on, and my room was quiet. I thought the siren was an ambulance...until I realized that it it was still going off, 5 minutes after I awoke.

I heard my sister rummaging around out in the living room, presumably looking for matches. " Is the power off?" I yelled out to her. She answered in the affirmative as she poked her head in through my bedroom door. "Is that the tornado siren going off?" "Yes" she replied patiently. "What are we going to do?!" She chuckled and said, "I'm sure we'll be fine. You can come in my room if you want". Now, I'm not one to usually panic in storms. Believe it or not, I actually like storms. But in my still sleepy brain the only thing I could process was that there was going to be a tornado and we live on the 2nd story....we would probably die.

I got out of the bed and made my way into her room. It was eeirly quiet both inside and outside. I peeked out of the blinds, and not one single leaf was stirring, and not one single rain drop was falling. Yet, the sirens continued to sound. Weird. Perhaps it was the calm before the storm. As I sat there, chatting with Jess by the light of the candles, my stomach growled. I decided to get some cookies and head back to bed. By the time I was back in my bed, it seemed all hell had broken loose outside. I once again looked out of the window, but this time I saw trees literally bending over in the wind, rain coming down in sheets, and hail pelting the ground and our cars. "Wow" was all I thought. I went back to bed.

It wasn't until later that afternoon that I found out a tornado had touched down almost directly behind our apartment complex. It had ripped a hole in the front of a church, uprooted numerous trees, and cracked telephone poles in half. And I was in the bed. Not even taking cover in the bathroom. How dumb.

Ever since then it's been raining. And raining. And raining some more. It's not supposed to stop for another 3 days at least. It's gotten really, really old. Ha. This is the time of year that I  love to go for walks, sit outside on my balcony, play with dog out of doors, etc. All of these wonderful activities are impossible in the rain. So, to help assuage my boredom I've decided to compile a list of things I don't like about the rain, and then a list of things I do like about it. Feel free to comment and add your own list!

Things I do NOT like about rainy weather:
1. Taking the dog out to use the bathroom ( Why does it seem like he only takes a long time to find the perfect spot, when it's pouring?)

2. The humidity makes my hair frizzy.

3. I always leave my umbrella in the car( and it never seems to rain when I'm getting out of the car, but it always start just as I'm leaving the store).

4. For people who wear flats, your feet are constantly wet.

5. Old people slow waaaaaay down when driving because they can't see.

6. No evening walks.

7. Puddles have a tendency to be unexpectedly deep and despite your best efforts you usually end up traipsing through water ankle deep( this usually happens when wearing flip flops).

8. Kicks the mold up...which makes me itchy, sneezy, and coughy

Things I LIKE about rainy weather:

1. The way the rain sounds on my window as I'm sleeping

2. The fresh clean smell

3. The little mushrooms that pop up in random places =)

4. Rainy weather = Perfect reading weather

5. It's good chili making weather

The best kind of rain, of course, is a cozy rain.  This is the kind the anonymous medieval poet makes me remember, the rain that falls on a day when you'd just as soon stay in bed a little longer, write letters or read a good book by the fire, take early tea with hot scones and jam and look out the streaked window with complacency.  ~Susan Allen Toth, England For All Seasons


Sunday, April 24, 2011

You Ask Me How...

Happy Resurrection Sunday, dear World!

And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Matthew 28:6

I hope that as you gather with your families for good food and fellowship, that you will remember and reflect upon what today is really all about. You ask me how I know He lives...He lives within my heart!

I've posted below a video featuring Sandi Patty and Larnell Harris singing the now classic "I've Just Seen Jesus". I hope you enjoy it as you reflect on what His Resurrection means to you personally.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easy as 1...2...3...

Once again, world, another wedding approaches...and no, I'm not talking about Prince William and Kate. Yet another of my good friends is getting married in June. Once more, I will be attempting to fit into a dress that makes me despair of my horrible eating habits and "when i get around to it" work-out routine.

Whatever will I do?

I do have some good news, though. I am losing weight.


You know, it's not about looking good to other people. It's not about giving into stereotypes or desiring to look like the stick thin models that dominate TV.  For me, it's about feeling comfortable in my own skin, and about treating my body right by giving it the food it needs, as well as the exercise it needs, to be healthy.

Just earlier today I was reading an article on CNN about a woman who lost over 200 pounds by following 4 easy tips her doctor gave her. They are as follows: 1) Eat 8 ounces of food every 3 hours 2) No sugary drinks 3) Do not skip meals 4) Do not tell anyone what you're doing.

Sounds easy enough eh? Hmmmm.

Here's the link to article. It's pretty interesting. http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/04/22/weight.loss.anita.mills/index.html?hpt=Sbin                                                                   

Monday, April 18, 2011


There is nothing quite like being in love. There is nothing quite like pursuing love. There is nothing quite like be pursued by one you love.

Many times, as women, we find ourselves searching and longing for the kind of love that we find in movies, books, and fairy tales. From the time we are very small, our parents tell us the stories of Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. We are lead to believe that "Someday my prince will come" and we'll live "happily ever-after".

Well, I hate to burst your bubble if you didn't already know this, but life is no fairy tale...your prince may be charming at first, but time will reveal flaws just like the next guy. While it is possible to find contentment within relationships, I'm afraid that on this side of heaven, there is no such thing as happily ever after. I know you may be thinking to yourself, "Man, what a kill joy". If I wasn't writing this, but reading it, I know I would be thinking the same thing...I promise, I am going somewhere with this.

Have you ever been in a relationship that consumed you? You loved so much and so hard that you forgot to leave anything for yourself? I think, we've all probably experienced something like this. Within human relationships, this is never a good thing. People will always be people, and let me tell you, that man that you think is so prince-like and charming, probably has some serious character flaws (don't we all?). I've said that to say that in becoming overlyconsumed with a person or relationship is setting yourself up for disappointment. Unless...it's one person in particular. Jesus Christ. Our relationship with Him, is the only one that should be all consuming.

The amazing thing about Him is that He will never stop pursuing us until He has all of us. Until there is nothing left of me...until I'm completely filled with him.  He will never stop pursuing us, and we should never stop chasing after Him. "More of you God, More of you God" should always be the cry of our hearts. His love is so overwhelming that it cannot be quenched. His jealousy over us is without measure. He wants to set His love in and on our hearts like a seal. He is relentless in His love.

I want to share with you, world, a song that has ministered to my heart tremendously. The lyrics are beautiful. Enjoy.

You won't relent until you have it all
My heart is yours

I'll set You as a seal upon my heart
As a seal upon my arm
For there is love that is as strong as death
Jealousy demanding as the grave
Many waters cannot quench this love

Come be the fire inside of me
Come be the flame upon my heart
Come be the fire inside of me
Until You and I are one

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lady Bugs

"I wish that this could happen to you, Rach."

This is what my sister, Jess, said to me the other day, as we talked about her new boyfriend. She continued, " I wasn't looking for it, and you were. This should be you."

She's so sweet. Even though she's my younger sister, in a way, she's always taken care of me. When I was 16 and diagnosed with a disorder that carried with it the disappointing news that I'd never have children, she prayed that God would let her have the disorder, and that I could have children like I'd always dreamed I would. She would willingly take on all my pain, my anger, my hurt, and my frustration, if it would make me feel better.

I don't resent the fact that she has found "someone" and I have not. In fact, I'm probably more happy about it than she is. You have to understand, Jess is a free spirit. She wears her hair in an adorably curly afro(even though almost no one else does). Her clothes are often flowly, and always in beautiful earth tones. She floats around, going where she will, and doing what she pleases. She is the only woman, of whom I can say honestly did not need or want to be in a relationship. And yet, she is now in one. And she's happy about it. 

In one of my favorite movies, Under the Tuscan Sun, one of the characters says something that has always stuck with me, during my times of longing and lonliness. She explains, " Listen, when I was a little girl I used to spend hours looking for lady bugs. Finally, I'd just give up and fall asleep in the grass. When I woke up, they were crawling all over me."

Things happen when we least expect it, and often times after we've thrown up our hands and said, "I give up!" I've not mastered it yet, but I am learning that contentment is a beautiful thing. And sometimes, if we can learn to just sit still, and to stop chasing after something that we don't have, something that is not in our power to get, that thing may actually find us.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.  ~Frederick Keonig

Monday, April 11, 2011

This is the Stuff

I lost my keys in the great unknown
And call me please 'Cuz I can't find my phone
This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin"
Francesca Battistelli is a genius. When I first heard this song, I burst out  laughing. I mean, it's like the story of my life. It's 6:59 and I'm supposed to be at work at 7, but I'm still at home because I can't find my keys, or my phone, and my phone's on silent, so even if someone does call it, I won't be able to hear it. This is the stuff that drives me CRAZY!
Why is it the little things that often give us so much trouble? The song continues...
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use

So break me of impatience
Conquer my frustrations
I've got a new appreciation
It's not the end of the world
Th fact of the matter is, losing your keys is not the end of the world. Neither is losing your phone...or getting pulled over for going 45 in a 35 zone. Or being stuck behind an old biddy out for a leisurely Sunday drive in the middle of rush hour on a Monday morning.
We're so busy, caught up in our own little problems in our own little world, that sometimes we forget about the big picture. God wants to break us of our impatience and frustrations, and He will use even the little everyday catastrophes to do that. Even if the mess we're in seems enormous, there's always someone in worse shape than you, and we are still blessed because God has given us the very best.
SO...In the middle of your little mess, don't forget how big you're blessed!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Dachshund Chronicles: Part 2

He gets underfoot in the kitchen. I've almost broken an ankle trying to avoid rupturing his spleen. He steals my underwear, socks, and scarves from my closet, and then hides under the bed where he can chew them to shreds incognito(or so he thinks). He eats entire toilet paper rolls, leaving the house covered in shreds of paper. He thinks my house guests are there solely to play with him.

Yes, world...I am talking about my dog.

Some days we have a love/hate relationship. On the day when everything at work has gone completely wrong, and I come home to find something in shreds or a puddle of pee on the floor, I want to hang a sign from my balcony that says, " Free Miniature Dachshund. I'll pay YOU to take him off my hands."

There is a quote that says, " Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole". I am not one of those dog owners who dresses my dog up to take him out for a walk, or feeds him gourmet pet food that costs more than my groceries do in a week. I bathe and groom him myself. I buy him perhaps one new toy a month. Although he has an immaculate pedigree, I do not show him in dog shows. To me he is simply my Oliver.

As a single woman, I definitely have my lonely days. And it is those times, when having someone, even if it is a dog, greet you at the door that is heart warming and special. Did I mention he gives hugs? Seriously. My routine after work is to take Ollie out, throw one of his toys around with him for a while, and then sit on the couch to read emails, check snail mail, etc...generally unwinding from the work day. As I sit there, Oliver will hop up on to the couch beside me, at first, and then after about 30seconds he will crawl into my lap, raise up on his hind legs as he places his 2 front paws on my shoulders, and nuzzles his little head into the crook of my neck. And there he will sit, for as long as feels I need it. I've laughed into his fur, as well as cried.

Yes, he requires a lot of work. At times, especially during the house training process, I felt as though I had acquired a 2 year old child instead of a pet. He slept a lot during the day, and kept me up with his  barking at night, and he rrelieved himself whenever and wherever he felt the need. Oh yes, he's grown past that puppy stage, but he still has his moments that completely enrage me...but on the whole...he's a good dog...the most attentive listener, the best secret keeper, and a constant friend.

It's the little in things life, World, that makes this crazy thing called life a little more bearable.