"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The 4th and Other Important Dates

Happy 4th of July people of Blog Land!

And what a rainy 4th it has turned out to be. Actually, what a rainy 2 weeks this has turned out to be. I can't remember the last time we've had so much rain in June or July. Thankfully, the office is closed today (and tomorrow) and I've planted my my ample behind on the couch, slid the patio door open just wide enough to hear the drops hitting the ground and to hear the birds singing in the rain. I have my book, my coffee, and my phone on the table beside me and I plan on staying here for the larger part of the day.

The first week in July has always been busy since our church has it's annual international convention. This year it started on Sunday and tonight is the last service. I work with the kids over in the Fellowship Hall in a program called Trailblazers. It's always fun, but this year has been especially exhausting. Late nights mixed with early mornings and 9 hour work days....whew!

This week has also proven to be emotionally exhausting since the 2nd was the birthday of someone whom I care about immensely but cannot have in my life, and the 3rd marked the 2 year anniversary of my Granny's death.

I'm amazed that it's only been 2 years because it seems like SO much longer. Every family gathering, every dinner, every cookout, and every holiday her absence is keenly felt. It seems like we've gone an eternity without her. I miss her more today than ever.

I was cleaning out a drawer in my night stand the other day and I found a note that she had written. I immediately recognized her sprawling cursive and felt like I had been given a precious gift. Every once in a while, I take out some scarves of hers that I have carefully folded and kept in a little box. They still smell like her and for a few beautiful minutes, I can imagine that I'm sitting with my head in her lap. Goodness, I miss her.

On a decidedly less somber note, the 3rd also marked my 1 month anniversary at the new job! It's hard to believe that I've been there that long already. The days and weeks have flown by. I've learned so much, but still have so much to learn. I'm gradually getting to know everyone else in the office and am becoming more and more comfortable with them. Tuesday was the head attorney's birthday and our escrow manager organized a surprise party for him. We all pitched in and brought side dishes. I expected everyone to scatter and sit at their desks to eat, but we all sat in the board room around the huge table. We sat and talked and ate and just generally enjoyed each other's company. It really did feel like a family gathering. I loved it. I'm so thankful that the LORD placed me there!

My book is calling my name....I'll leave you with a romantical song that perfectly describes my lack of a love life....just because it wouldn't be a true blog land post if I didn't make some vague and tragic reference to it....this is LITERALLY my story put to music. Enjoy :D

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