A few posts ago, as I shared the passing of my graduation, I promised to reveal some other exciting news. I announced this at my Graduation Party a few weeks back, and then quite honestly, forgot to announce here on the blog. As of today, I have officially completed my first week as a real estate paralegal!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen of Blog Land. I landed a job in my field. 3 days after graduation. No one has been more surprised at this than me. With the economy and job markets being as they are, I expected it to take at least 6 months to a year to find something in my field.
It happened like this.
I received a call from my contact at the Louisville Bar Association on the Monday before Graduation. He had just received a call from a mid-sized firm in the East End and was wondering if I was interested. There were two positions open, a receptionist position and a paralegal position. I scheduled the interview for the next day. The day of Graduation.
In the world of law, and even more in the world of real estate, time really is money. The interview lasted for all of about 10 minutes. I really didn't think much of it. My lack of experience was clear to the attorney I had interviewed with and I wasn't expecting a call back. If I did receive a call back, I was preparing myself mentally for it to be for the receptionist position.
Wednesday I heard nothing back, but Thursday evening I received a call from the attorney himself asking me to come in for a 2nd interview the next morning. I was amazed. This interview lasted for about an hour as he talked at length about what my responsibilities would be, described the fast paced environment of the business, took me on a tour of the office, introduced me to the 2 paralegal supervisors as well as the VP of the company. When we returned to his office and sat down, he leaned back in his plush chair and offered me the job of real estate paralegal.
I accepted. These are the wonderful works of God and they are marvelous in my eyes!
So this last week has been nerve-wracking, overwhelming, and wonderful as I was thrust into the world of real estate. My nickname around the office this week quickly became "The Sponge" as I sat behind my supervisor listened, wrote notes furiously, did hands on practice, and asked numerous questions. At noon yesterday, the VP, Russ, stopped by and asked me to see him. When I sat down in his office he asked me quickly how things were coming along and how I was doing with everything. When I explained that all was well, that it was a lot of info to take in, but that I was slowly catching on....he replied with, "Good. Next week we'll get you settled into your own desk and throw you into the deep end".
Oh Lawd. LOL.
This time next week I may not be so enthusiastic about my quick success in finding this job. Or rather, on having this job fall into my lap. Ha.
Anywho. So that's the story on the job situation. God has blessed me tremendously and continues to do so. All the glory goes to Him. It's not because of anything that I've done, but it is His Grace and I know that He blesses me for His Name's Sake.
For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people. -I Samuel 12:22
Blog Land, consider yourself updated on the Wonderland Adventures. I covet your prayers as I navigate my way through this new season in my life!