BIBLIOPHILE:(n)a person who collects or has a great love of books.In the last, oooh, I'd say 2 1/2 weeks, I've started and finished 2 books, and I've just started another. There are those who just don't get it. How people can stand to read, just because they want to...not because they're being forced to. Well...I guessed it...a bibliophile, and an unrepentant one at that. I spend a ridiculous amount of money on books and I can spend hours in the bookstore.
Why not go to the library? It's free.
And that, my friends, is what separates a lover of reading from a bibliophile. Bibliophiles not only love to read books, but to collect them as well. There are those who just have to have a book in it's hardback version. Others who prefer soft covers. Those who must have first editions. And those like me, who don't particularly care. I will say, though, that a hard cover is not my first choice. Firstly because, they're usually much larger than the soft covered additions, and therefore, don't fit as well into my purse....ha; and secondly, because they're always much more expensive.
But long as it's a book that I can hold in my hands to touch, feel, and smell...I'm happy.
I know that I've written about her before, but Cathy Lamb is one of my favorite authors. She has this ability to write things that are so funny I find myself literally laughing out loud. Anyone who can do that, has a gift.
Her newest book, A Different Kind of Normal, tells the story of a boy born with an abnormally large head, due, probably, to his mother's drug use during the pregnancy. The boy is raised by his aunt, who at his birth was a young 19 years old. Lamb tells the story brilliantly. Joining the past and present of the character's lives to give a complete and rounded story. It is a story of "letting go" and redefining what is "normal". And it's hilarious.
I loved it.
If you're interested in reading this book or any others by Cathy Lamb, I would encourage you to slide on over to the Book Nook page of this blog. Summer's a-coming and you'll find plenteous provender for your pool-side reading needs!
Watch out may turn into a bibliophile yourself!
Happy Reading!