"...Thus grew the tale of Wonderland: Thus slowly one by one, it's quaint events were hammered out- and now the tale is done...the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird
or beast-and half believe it true..." -Lewis Carroll

Friday, June 29, 2012

Pulling at My Heartstrings

Please watch this video before reading the post below.

Whew! Every single time that I watch this video I get get a catch in my throat and tears in my eyes. Aesha Mohammadzai is an amazing young woman with an amazing story that is still waiting for it's happy ending. 

What appalls me the most about this story is the fact that in the society into which she was born, such a beautiful little girl could be given to repay someone else's crime, abused for years, to the extent that the abuse resulted in the mutilation of her nose and ear. Women are so marginalaized in Afghanistan, that even years after the Taliban was overthrown, such horrors are still accepted as the norm. 

If there is anything that I can say about women, it's that we are born with a deep well of strength and resilience. The depth of which is unknown even to us until we are forced through adverse circumstances to draw from it. I'm am sure that as Aesha continues to be surrounded by a strong support system, as she continues to learn English, to read, to write; as she continues in therapy and as she eventually undergoes the reconstruction surgery....she will be able to see that she is valuable, beautiful, and important. 

Even though she has encountered such harshness in life, she exudes sweetness. How many of us can say the same? In this country we have all faced our own hardships, our own sadnesses. We are all injured in some deep emotional way, but usually, our injuries remain on the inside. Aesha's emotional scars extend from her heart to her face, yet that sweetness remains. 

What about us? Does the sweetness of Christ remain in us, despite of the hardships in life we've faced. Hmm. Food for thought.

I will never meet this young lady, but she has struck a chord in my heart. What if I had been born in Afghanistan? That could have been me. That could have been my sister, my mother, cousins, or aunts. I am once again grateful that I live in a country where freedom still exists and that I am not forced to live on the margins of society simply because I am a woman. 

 Join me blog land, in lifting up Aesha Mohammadzai in prayer everyday, for her emotional healing, peace, and physical well being as she undergoes surgery. Join me in praying for the women who remain in Afghanistan, those whose every day existence is a drudgery and a horror. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Don't Hit the Road, Jack! Don't Do It!

Is June National Fix the Interstate month?

I ask this because it seems that no matter where I go these days, I am plagued by the sight of those bright orange cones and barrels that so inconveniently block lanes, on ramps, and exits.

On Monday I was a half an hour late for work.

Tuesday I was an hour and a half late for work.

Wednesday 15 minutes...and finally today...I made it on time.

I didn't oversleep. I didn't leave the house late. I simply got stuck in traffic. Because of my half hour delay on Monday, on Tuesday I decided to try an alternate route. See the problem is that in an effort to repave the bridge connecting Indiana and Kentucky, the brilliant lawmakers or whoever it is in Frankfort that makes these decisions, have decided to close the ramp offering easy access to the East End of Louisville via Interstates 64 and 71. I decided I would take the adjacent bridge and then hop back on 65 North from downtown and then access 71 from there. Big Mistake.

I thought that taking the alternate bridge was the perfect solution to my problem. I was soooooo wrong. It took me 15 minutes to get to the traffic light to turn onto the bridge and it took me 30 minutes to actually get across the bridge. I crossed the bridge at 8:30. I had 15 minutes to get to work. 

I weaved my way through downtown Louisville and got onto the on ramp and guess what I ran into? Yup. More traffic. I slowly worked my way up to the ramp to I-71 and finally arrived there only to find that...that ramp was closed too.

And so where did the detour take me you might be asking yourself? Teehee. 

Right back across the bridge into Indiana. So, at 8:45, the time I'm supposed too be arriving at work, I find myself back at the starting point.

I laughed.

I mean, really, what else could I do?


So, I got back on the bridge...the one I had been avoiding, and it proved to be much quicker than the alternate. It took me about 2 minutes to cross it versus the 30 minutes on the other one. The only way to get to where I was trying to go was to take a completely out of the way route. However, at 9:30, 1 hour and 20 minutes after I left home, I finally arrived at work.

And then....today in an effort to get home, I sat in traffic at a complete standstill for 25 minutes. I mean...we did NOT move. People were getting out of their cars. It was insane. I feel like I've spent more time in my car than I have anywhere else this week, and spent a ridiculous amount of money on gas. I'm happy to say though, that my work week is officially over and I am on vacation for the next week. 

Maybe by the time I have to go back to work they'll have the roads all cleared. It's unlikely but...hope springs eternal. Ha. 

Monday, June 25, 2012


What I find so interesting about blogs is the glimpses that it provides into the "realness" of a person. Like love, people are many splendored...multi-faceted....and just when you think you know them...Wam! They surprise you.

Anyway...my dear friend C has gotten me hooked on pinterest...I have several boards and have decided that I will share one pin from each board...a little glimpse into the sometimes hidden part of the soul. These are things that I find aesthetically pleasing, funny, or thought provoking...enjoy!


They took it and ran away laughing when I tried to get it back!

Venice...Definitely on the Bucket List.

Ya'll know who runs my house!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Squish the Bug!

Well, it was unexpected...despite my daily imbibing of two 1,000 mg vitamin C pills and OCD-esque washing of my hands...I came down with a...dun dun duuuun...stomach bug! 

For the first time in almost 6 months I had to tell my employers I could not come to work. It was a phone call that I didn't want to make because I knew that it would put them in a tough spot as they scrambled to find alternate child care before they both had to leave for work. But, as my fever climbed and as I took up residence beside the toilet, it became obvious that the stomach bug had bitten and bitten hard. There would be no leaving the house...They were very nice about it, and the mom, who is a doctor even offered to prescribe me something for nausea. 

However, two days later, and I'm glad to say that I feel almost 100% better. My tummy is still a little rumbly but the fever has broken, I feel hungry, and I actually have energy. I tell you what, there is nothing like being sick to make you appreciate good health. 

Oh! And one good thing did come from this...I lost 3 pounds! Haha. 

Anyway, it's back to the old grind and time to play catch up. Convention starts exactly a week from today and I have lot left to do to get prepared for teaching the little ones. 

As you go about your day Blog Land, keep this song in mind...it's been in my head...I love it and is a perfect expression of my own testimony of God's faithfulness in my life. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

And In Other News...

Busy, busy busy. So much to think about, so much to do, yet so little time to do it. The 30th of this month will begin one of the busiest weeks of my year as our church has its annual summer convention. I have been asked to step into a new role in ministering with the kid's program and I'm working like a dog trying to get everything just right....prayers would be much appreciated Blog Land! I love kids...it is when they are at this vulnerable and malleable time in their lives that they are most receptive to the message of Jesus and His great Love for them. I'm hoping and praying that God will give me the words to speak and that His Love will shine through me to His precious little ones. 

In other wonderland news....well...there is nothing new lol. 

Work is still long. The kids are still a little crazy. They make me more than a little insane each day. My dog has separation anxiety from the long hours. The money is still fabulous. My sister deserted me for a condo on the beach in Florida for the week. I still believe I live a charmed life. I love it. I love Jesus more everyday! 

That's the report for today...!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Nom Noms, Sneezies, and ET

A man caught the Black Plague in Oregon.

A man ate another man's face in Florida. 

There are those who are claiming aliens will arrive on Earth sometime this year.

It is after all 2012.

Is anyone else disturbed by what they're reading, hearing, and seeing in the news? Ok, the whole alien thing is definitely a little suspect but well...I was under the impression that the Plague had been eradicated. I also never thought a day would come when I would read about a human being eating another human beings face off in broad daylight in the street. 

Apparently, in the U.S. there are at least 10 to 20 cases of the Plague a year. There are probably more, but in an effort to control mass panic, the CDC probably keeps a lid on the real numbers. Yes. I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist. Ha. 

Bath Salts (the synthetic drug) has the power to turn people in to...well...zombies. I'm sure you've all heard by now of the email that the CDC sent out to it's employees instructing them on what to do if a Zombie Apocolypse occurred. Of course, , it was immediately hailed as a joke by the CDC big wigs and just a silly PR stunt. 

Of course.

But erm...did anyone else have the thought, "Do they know something we don't?"


On that note...I'll leave you to your own thoughts on the matter. 

Below I've posted a few links to some articles that you might find interesting. 


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hi Ho! It's to the Zoo We Go!

I've been planning since the kids first got out of school to take them somewhere for a field trip of sorts. At last, 3 weeks into their summer break, we made it to the Zoo!

Let me start by saying that the actual outing that I had planned for today was to the Science Center to see a show at the Imax about Polar Bears. I had cleared my plans with their Dad the night before, but when I got to work this morning I was informed that Big Brother no longer wanted to go to the Imax and perhaps we could go to the Zoo instead. I was quick to respond with a nod of my head, a sympathetic smile, and a "I understand completely." What was actually going on in my head was something different altogether. It sounded something like this....

What the heck?! The CHILD didn't want to go...so now we're not? I'm not dressed for the zoo! I've only got flip flops! My feet are already messed up! I can't walk through the zoo with all those hills in FLIP FLOPS! I have on a long thick jean skirt and a cute shirt with a tank on under it. Cute, yes...but appropriate zoo wear is loose fitting, comfortable clothing with tennis shoes...NOT everyday clothes and FLIP FLOPS!!!! GAAAAAHHHH!!!


I got over it. 

They paid for a year zoo membership for me. 

We went and had a marvelous time. I had a serious talk with the kids before we left the house explaining how important it was that they be good listeners and that they not run off. We had this talk again before we got out of the car once we got to the zoo. They were little angels. I didn't have a single problem from either one of them. Big Brother kept a watchful eye on his sister and insisted on holding her hand the entire time. I was amazed and impressed. 

We saw all kinds of animals and went through the new Polar Bear Exhibit, Glacier Run. We got to see life sized animatronic dinosaurs that moved and roared. Little Sis was more than a little wary, but Big Bro was definitely in his element. he knew the names of all the dinosaurs just by looking at them. He knew if they were bipedal, theropods, omnivores, or carnivores. He knew whether they had lived in the Cretaceous, Jurassic, or Mesozoic time periods. I think he enjoyed them more than the live animals. Ha. 

After about 2 hours, Little Sis was begging me to carry her and my feet felt like they were going to fall off. Thankfully they all agreed they were ready to head home, so we were able to leave without any tantrums being thrown. 

All in all, it was a fun day. The kids enjoyed themselves and so did I. 

Next time though...I'm calling the shots on where we go!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

C'est La Vie

This has been an absolutely insane week. 

On top of putting in over 50  hours at work, my Dad had another Pericarditis bout and ended up in the hospital for a couple of days, we forgot to pay our light bill and the energy company cut the electricity to our apartment, I made a mistake in balancing my checkbook and now my checking account is almost 100 bucks in the negative. I have yet to figure out why banks charge a 30.00 overdraft fee when obviously you don't have enough money in the account to begin with....? It's kind of like kicking someone when they're already down. Anyway, it was totally my fault because I forgot to deduct something in my checkbook. C'est La Vie. Finally after six days straight of working I have a full day off. Sadly enough, I have errands I have to run, crafts to prepare for the kiddos, and grocery shopping to do for the upcoming week. But hey, at least I got to sleep in this morning. Ha. 

Anyway, because I'm in need of a little humor, I've decided to share a funny little story from a Reader's Digest gift book that someone got me for my birthday last year. Enjoy. 

One of my fourth graders asked my teacher's assistant, "How old are you, Mrs. Glass?"
"You should never ask an adult's age," I broke in. 
"That's okay," Harriet said smiling. "I'm fifty."
"Wow, you don't look that old," the boy said.
I was breathing a sigh of relief when another child chimed in, "Parts of her do."


Monday, June 4, 2012

Deal? Or No Deal?

My apologies for those of you who happen to be amongst my male readers, as this post is directed primarily to the ladies. All the same, I'm sure you'll find this information useful too. 

 I'm an independent woman, but I am by no means a man-hater. However, yesterday, as my sister, one of our long time friends, and I sat in our kitchen, we began chatting about a lady who recently got her groove back after her divorce. This of course led to further discussion of the men each of us have encountered in our separate lives. If I could sum up the entire conversation we had in a single sentence, I would quote the famous Maya Angelou. She said, "The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." 

A very wise lady told me recently that one of the greatest determiners of your future happiness will be the choice you make for a spouse. This same lady told me to learn to look with my eyes and not my ears, because actions speak louder than words. It is a person's actions that show you what their true character is. 

A different lady whom I respect, who happens to be a psychologist, also told me that the greatest determination of future behavior is past behavior. 

Don't mistake me...I am a firm believer that the Blood of Jesus can change anyone and anything. But people have to want to change. 

Many older women that I have talked with whose marriages have failed, cannot stress enough to me to never, never settle. Furthermore, if you date a tiger, become engaged to a tiger, marry a tiger...don't expect to find a cheetah in the bed with you 3 months after the honeymoon. 

I count it an immense advantage to have the above information. I have no significant other, and no prospects at the moment, but I know that when the time comes, this knowledge will be worth it's weight in gold. 

For all their admirable qualities, all men have faults. When you see those faults, don't try to brush them under the rug and try to convince yourself they're not there. When someone shows you who they are...BELIEVE THEM. And then decide if that's something you can deal with...or if it's a deal breaker. 

I repeat again...


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Nothing is as Eternal As...

You know you're getting old when....you get excited about finding a way to get the dishwasher to clean the dishes without leaving a soap and hard water film on them. 

I have found a solution...I'm excited...I must be getting old. Ha.

First of all, let me say that I despise our dishwasher. About once every 2 weeks water from the sink backs up into the bottom of it, creating a stinky smell, as well as, greatly inconveniencing us by making us run a rinse cycle before the actual wash cycle so that the water will drain out first. When the apartment maintenance man came to repair it, he told us it was the way that the sink and dishwasher had been put together and basically there was nothing they could do about it. 

I just stared at him. 

We've learned to live with the water back up problem.

However, there is nothing more frustrating than unloading dishes that are supposed to be clean, only to find that the glasses are cloudy and the silver spotted. Over the last few months this problem has become increasingly worse. 

So, I took to the internet to see if I could find a solution. Apparently this whole dishwasher issue is a pretty common one...even for those who have very high end and expensive machines. After much reading, I decided to try vinegar and Finish soap tabs. Many sites recommend using vinegar as a rinse agent instead of jet dry, but to get the process started, I loaded all of our glass cups and bowls, as well as the stoneware. I filled both soap dispensers with vinegar instead of detergent. Supposedly the vinegar is supposed to cut through the soap and hard water build up. After the cycle was complete, I ran the dishwasher again, but this time used a Finish tab. My research led me to the conclusion that it is best to turn the heated dry option off since this only results in any soap residue being practically baked onto the dishes.

The difference was AMAZING! 

Seriously, I'm quite happy about it, haha! There is nothing more irritating for a Leo with Virgo tendencies to have a dirty kitchen and to pull dirty dishes out of the cabinet when they're supposed to be clean. 

Hooray for a dishwasher that works! 

Sometimes, it really is the simple things in life that make all the difference in the world!

People can say what they like about the eternal verities, love and truth and so on, but nothing's as eternal as the dishes
-Margaret Mahy

Friday, June 1, 2012

It's That Time

Wow! What a week it has been!

My apologies Blog Land, for the length of time that has passed between posts, but I've been trying to adjust to my new work schedule. Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the world...Summer is finally here. Memorial Day has passed, the kiddos are out of school, temperatures have already reached almost 100 degrees, and the pools are open. 

Instead of heading in to work at about 11, I am now getting there between 8:30 and 9 and staying until about 6:30 in the evening. It makes for a very long day. I was lucky because the holiday allowed me to ease into this schedule. Since I don't watch Little Sis and Big Bro on Fridays, I was blessed to have only a 3 day work week. 

Overall, I guess the week went pretty well. I was surprised to find that it was Little Sis who gave me the most problems this week as she seems to have developed a case of voluntary deafness. This proved to be particularly frustrating as we spent our afternoons at the neighborhood pool and she decided that as Big Brother was in his swim team class that she wanted to run around the pool, and feign deafness as I tried to get her attention to tell her to stop running and to come back and sit with me. 

 Dear God, my hand was itching to tear her behind up. 

That's the drawback about being just the nanny and not Mommy...spankings can only be dealt out by the parents. Of course, once I caught Little Sis, I made her sit on my lap for the remainder of Big Brothers class. 

She tried to claw my eyes out.

 I addressed her behavior with her mom once we returned home, but it didn't prove to be very effective. Mom informed me that she had pretty much given up on trying to make Little Sis stay with her at the pool. Hmph. No wonder she wouldn't listen to me. Mom doesn't make her follow directions when she takes them to the pool. Well...all I have to say is that Little Sis won't be allowed to do that with me! She may run the house when Mommy is at home, but during the day...Rachel runs things!

Anyhow, I think I have a pretty good idea as to what our weeks during the summer will involve.  Each day of the week we will have some kind of structured activity.We will have a cooking day, a craft day, a movie day, and a field trip day. I'm hoping that the more we stay occupied, the less meltdowns and bad behavior we will have. These two children have a very special place in my heart...but goodness! They can be little boogers!

Even though it's a bit cloudy and will probably rain today, I'm going out to indulge in some much needed "me" time. The nail salon is calling my name and so is the mall! 

Happy Friday, Blog Land!