I do realize, of course, that we are already in the 2nd week of August. It has also dawned on me that it was been over a week since my last post...and what's the point of having a blog if you're not going to...well...blog?
For the last month or so, The Adventures of Rachel, have been quite adventurous. This should, in theory, provide me with copious amounts of blog feed, but alas, it is not so, dear World.
It seems that during this time of rapid change, my brain is only continuing to function because it is partially still stunned, and the resulting numbness doesn't leave a lot of room for extra thinking. I actually think that my cognitive processes have slowed down . So...don't expect anything shell-shocking or incredibly witty or pithy coming form this corner of the World Wide Web for a while.
This month, I have decided to be completely unoriginal and merely present the writings of others in each post. Some days they may be clever little one liners, and on others they may be paragraph long quotes from some of my favorite books. If the fancy hits me, I may attempt to explain why a certain passage means so much to me.
I greatly encourage all of you to comment on posts that catch your eye or resound on some level with you. I would love to get some discussion going, but I need the help of my readers to do that, otherwise this blog is really just me pontificating all the time, and that...is not cool!
Without further ado, I present to you the first quote of the month. I have posted this quote before, and I have found, now, more than ever, that it applies to me! Remember! Comment, comment comment! I want to know if and how you can relate!
" Thank you Rosvita. But so that you are fully informed--my nerves are in tatters; my psyche has been ground to pieces in a mental garbage disposal; and my emotions have been through a meat slicer. I cry easily, although I have made serious efforts not to cry for the last twelve years. I am prone to embarrassing outbursts. I have recently made rash and wild decisions, but have yet to regret any of them. I have found that I have a vindictive and vengeful side and am pleased to welcome it into the fold of my other personality characteristics. I am simply," I told her, "not altogether."
Excerpt from The Last Time I Was Me
By Cathy Lamb
(c) 2008